A Specialist in the communication of complex subjects I can help you get your message across
Get in touch to book or dicuss your requirements- 07709968590 @thepiercy
Speaking in public is often rated as
being scarier than wild dogs, spiders or death. A half or full day course will build confidence and show you how to stand out from the crowd by:
Understanding audiences
Finding your story
Directing attention
Controlling your voice and body language
Effective public engagement is about creating impact through dialogue and discussion.
From development of tools to bring research to new audiences and understanding public attitudes to science and engineering, to publicity and evaluation techniques.
I can help target your activity and find the hooks to engage with your audience
Presenting Online
With remote working the new normal pick up tips for good use of tech and how to make an impact when presenting in the virtual world.
Science storytelling
Humans have been telling stories to share information and learning for millennia. They are are a powerful way to engage audiences and connect people with even complex subjects. This course will help you find your story and give tips on how be an effective teller.
An Introduction to PPI
Have you been miss-sold PPI? Why is it so important to involve patients and the public in medical research? how can you best do it to achieve impact in your PPI and your research?
Find out the difference between 'involvement' 'co-production' 'participation' and 'engagement'